6 Mar 2023

Viola front and centre

From Three to Seven, 4:00 pm on 6 March 2023
Alexander McFarlane is a viola player with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra. He is wearing black and white concert attire, and holds his viola on his knee.

Alexander McFarlane Photo: NZSO

When it comes to an orchestra string section, the violins play most of the melodies. The cellos and basses have the bass line, but the heart of the harmony is in the viola section.

Every now and then, though, violas get their moment centre stage.

Alexander McFarlane is Associate Principal Viola with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra and will be a soloist in the orchestra's upcoming Brandenburg tour, performing Telemann's 'Viola Concert in G'.

He talks with Bryan Crump about why he's looking forward to performing the concerto and what he's been up to since winning the Gisborne International Music Competition in 2017.

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