3 Apr 2024

Moment of Calm: Calming like a Kaka.

From Three to Seven, 5:30 pm on 3 April 2024
Kaka in flight, Waiheke Island.

Photo: Rose Davis

Maybe this week's sonic Moment of Calm is a little oxymoronic; some might argue the raucous calls of our bush parrot, the Kaka, are anything but calming. Still, 3 to 7 host Bryan Crump, reckons their joyous racket sooths the soul, even if it did wake him up. The programme's producer, Robyn Jaquiery, mixed the birds with an ethereal number by the Icelandic composer Olafur Arnaulds, called "Ljósið" which means "The Light".  You can see in the dawn, any time of the night or day, by clicking on the audio above. 



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