Choral conductor Nigel Williams is aware of only one Matariki choral event in Tauranga this year, his own. The composer hopes, however, that in years to come Saturday's event will be far from unique in the city.
On July 6, the Tauranga Civic Choir will present the premiere of 'Flax Fingers Weave the Moonlight', a choral performance, including eight instrumentalists, composed and directed by Williams.
Composer Nigel Williams. Photo: Supplied
Much like the show title - originally 'Music for Matariki' until Williams' wife intervened - the composer said he was unsure of where to start with the commission.
"I said to them (the choir), 'Well, what do you want me to write?'"
The response were texts from great New Zealand poets Apirana Taylor, Sir Haare Williams, Robert Sullivan and Hone Tuwhare.
"And away I went," he says, careful to arrange the music in such a way that it mirrored the rhythm of these "delicious poems".
Included in Saturday's programme is 'Be Still' a tribute to Williams' terminally ill brother who sadly died before it was finished.
"I was able to tell him that I was dedicating the music to him ... It's getting its second performance on Saturday, which is great ... So good things have come from it."
Given that 'Flax Fingers Weave the Moonlight' is the length of half a programme, Williams says the 45-minute set will be performed twice with an intermission of "'kai and social time".
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