Upbeat for Tuesday 17 May 2016
1.00The Art of Etiquette – ballet
Ballet legend Sir Jon Trimmer is taking time out of The Wizard of Oz for our first discussion in the series The Art of Etiquette. The arts and society landscapes are forever changing with the arts being more accessible to more people. So what can you get away with these days? Is it ok to snapchat the performance? Can I wear jeans in the audience? When should I applaud?
1.20 Flamboyance, sparkle and the vision of the night
The ensemble that derived their name from the Japanese Zen painting of the circle has returned to New Zealand shores. Enso quartet’s nationwide tour includes pieces from Ginastera, Hayden, Beethoven and Ravel. Enso - which also means “to perform” in Japanese - members Ken Hamao and New Zealander Richard Belcher spoke with David Morriss recently.
1.20 Free love and piano playing
Lili Kraus was a famed Hungarian-born pianist who galvanised our post-war arts scene; she played everywhere and organised new pianos for our halls. Cushla Parekowhai talks about the love affair New Zealand had with Lili and the link with her family: one of the pianos Lili Kraus gifted to the country ended up carved and painted red by her brother Michael Parekowhai.