Upbeat for Thursday 2 June 2016
1.00 An electric mix
Musician Jonathan Crayford Photo: Rita Nowak
Punk, jazz and grunge don’t often go hand in hand, but inventive jazz pianist Jonathan Crayford has a band with friend Ross Burge that does just that. Spanner has had a month long residency in Auckland now plays Wellington for the first time.
1.20 Transforming the classics
Dragon singer Mark Williams Photo: Supplied
From 70s heart throb, 80s glam rock to 90s soul, singer Mark Williams has shape-shifted many times. The boy from Dargaville is back this time to transform classic kiwi tunes with other pop stars like Hollie Smith and Debbie Harwood and The Roger Fox Big band on tour round the North Island from tomorrow.
1.40 Gospel goodness
Gospel singer TJ Taotua Photo: Supplied
TJ Taotua hails from Porirua and is a finalist for The Pacific Music Awards for his gospel music. He combines R&B Soul and Jazz with 1960s flavoured gospel and has been described as the “Polynesian George Benson”.