29 Mar 2018

Upbeat for Thursday 29 March

From Upbeat, 11:17 am on 29 March 2018



Celebrate International Piano Day with a chance to win a copy of Brahms’ piano music played by Brazilian pianist Nelson Freire.

Johannes Brahms

Johannes Brahms Photo: Public Domain

1pm Crayford’s Steinway Tour

Kiwi pianist Jonathan Crayford is towing a 1955 full sized Steinway concert grand around the country on a special trailer. But why? He spoke to Bryan Crump from RNZ Nights about taking the Steinway on a national tour.

Jonathan Crayford

Jonathan Crayford Photo: Supplied

1.20pm Music listeners would like to conduct

Recently Orchestra Wellington gave fans a chance to conduct the Rite of Spring through a new virtual reality experience … what tune would you like to wield the baton to?

Marc Taddei Music Director Orchestra Wellington

Marc Taddei Music Director Orchestra Wellington Photo: Supplied


We continue our famous five series with conductor Daniel Barenboim, who also happens to be a concert pianist, and in collaboration with Steinway and piano builder Chris Maene recently created his own piano.

Daniel Barenboim

Daniel Barenboim Photo: wikicommons