24 Aug 2018

Brothers bring their talents home

From Upbeat, 1:40 pm on 24 August 2018

Christchurch brothers Jun and Yuuki Bouterey-Ishido are back home and enjoying some quality time together with their family.

Jun Bouterey-Ishido

Jun Bouterey-Ishido Photo: Supplied

Jun is a pianist who has already starting to establish his career in Europe as both a soloist and s chamber music player.

Jun left to study at the Liszt Academy in Hungary shortly after winning the Kerikeri Piano Competition in 2008. Last year he won second prize at the Maj Lind International Piano Competition in Finland.

Younger brother Yuuki is an award winning cellist and left home when he was just 14 after being invited to study at the Purcell School in England.

The Piano

The Piano Photo: Supplied

He was in the groups that won the 2007 and 2008 NZ Secondary Schools Chamber Music CompetitionĀ  and was runner up in the National Concerto Competition also in 2008. He's currently finishing his studies at the Royal Northern School in Manchester.

The pair give a duo performance at The Piano next week and Jun gives a solo recital atĀ  the Great Hall in Christchurch

Jun plays at the Auckland Museum tonight as part of the Fazioli series.