4 Feb 2021

Bay of Plenty Symphonia charged up by collaboration with top Auckland musicians

From Upbeat, 12:30 pm on 4 February 2021
APO concert master Andrew Beer

APO concert master Andrew Beer Photo: ©Adrian Malloch

Bay of Plenty Symphonia is making up for some of 2020's lost performances with an additional summer concert involving a group of their string players.

This will be Four Seasons with a difference - Vivaldi's famous concertos alongside Piazzolla's 'Four Seasons of Buenos Aires'.

Andrew Beer (concertmaster of the APO) is the violin soloist while Ashley Brown will lead the cellos and play the solo parts in Piazzolla's work. 

Rebecka Beetz, Bay of Plenty Symphonia Concertmaster

Rebecka Beetz, Bay of Plenty Symphonia Concertmaster Photo: Supplied

Rebecka Beetz, who leads the Bay of Plenty Symphonia, and Andrew Beer joined Eva Radich to talk about their collaboration.

Andrew says that he and Ashley had performed the programme before with the St Matthew's Chamber Orchestra and were really keen to do it again.

The Four Seasons concert is on the 13th February in Tauranga and 14th February in Rotorua.