17 Feb 2021

Innovative collaborations feature in CMNZ's 2021 Season

From Upbeat, 12:30 pm on 17 February 2021
CMNZ 2021 Season

CMNZ 2021 Season Photo: (2013) Todd Rosenberg

Like many other arts organisations, Chamber Music New Zealand found 2020 to be quite a challenge. Covid lockdowns and border restrictions meant that most of CMNZ’s concerts were cancelled, or re-jigged to substitute international performers with local artists. The planning for 2021 was also affected, as many musicians are contracted years in advance.

CMNZ’s Chief Executive Catherine Gibson and Artistic Manager Jack Hobbs talked with Upbeat about their new season, titled “Coming Out of the Dark”. Both say that while Covid has brought many difficulties, it has also created opportunities such as a stronger concentration on New Zealand performers and composers.

CMNZ continues to expand the definition of chamber music, as seen in their partnering with BalletCollective Aotearoa, the New Zealand String Quartet and choreographer Loughlan Prior in “Transfigured Night”, a triple bill with music by Schoenberg, Dvorak and young NZ composer Tabea Squire.