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A daily music and arts interview programme which ran on RNZ Concert for many years, concluding in 2020.
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Upbeat concluded in 2020, Interviews, spoken features and podcasts from across RNZ Concert are now available at Concert Talk
Latest audio
Diversity - yeah right!
What will NZ On Air chief executive Jane Wrightson be doing to address inequality in television and digital media where white males hold the plum jobs. Ethnicity is also out of balance with most… Read more Audio
The right notes to success
Australian soprano Yvonne Kenny is the head judge for this year's Lexus Song Quest, deciding who is worthy of winning New Zealand's most important vocal competition. She's taking time away from… Read more Audio
From usher to director
It might seem a large step from usher to director, but that's exactly what Prayas Theatre director Sananda Chatterjee has done. She joined the company 10 years ago and comedy show Love N Stuff is her… Read more Audio
The globe-trotting cellist
Global adventurer German-Canadian cellist Johannes Moser spends his time playing with some of the largest and most renowned symphony orchestras in the world. This week he makes his debut with the NZSO… Read more Audio
The Pacific beat
Matthew Salapu - aka hip-hop artist Anonymouz - talks to Tim Dodd about the soundscape Resample Guåhån, which he created for the Festival of Pacific Arts that's just recently been held in Guam. The… Read more Audio
Country Lass
Indie-folk singer Mel Parsons secured the top song prize at the New Zealand Country Music Awards in early June. She won the Best Country Music Song for her track Alberta Sun. Audio
Revealing the Singing Treasures
Taonga puoro researcher, player and crafter Alistair Fraser in the RNZ studio with a hoard of different Maori instruments and a looping pedal plays a live session and shows how the taonga puoro come… Read more Audio
The Rock Star of classical music
Chinese pianist Lang Lang gave a one-off New Zealand recital at Auckland's Civic Theatre last weekend. The 33 year old wows crowds wherever he plays with his flamboyant displays. He talks about what… Read more Audio
Inspiring others
Freelance piano teacher, and choral conductor Mark Stamper is starting his own professional choir, Inspirare in Wellington. He wants to give others the sort of opportunities provided to him to grow as… Read more Audio
The Art of Etiquette – art galleries
14 Jun 2016Can I touch the art work? Is it OK to eat in an art gallery? Why shouldn't I wear bulky clothes? Upbeat producer Zoe George paints an etiquette picture with Erika McClintock from City Gallery in… Read more Video, Audio
The cost of a dream
Being part of a musical is a dream for many performers. But that dream comes with sacrifices. Juliette Sivertsen goes behind the curtain at Evita in Auckland to discover the true - financial… Read more Audio
The elephant thief
Nisha Madhan and Julia Croft are just two of the cast for Indian Ink's latest original play The Elephant Thief. Inspired by a trip to India, this piece looks into a future where the last elephant on… Read more Audio
12pm-1pm Music news, talk features and interviews, new releases etc.
1pm-3pm ‘Onstage’ - highlights from RNZ’s recordings of live music performances
Click here to find out about the music played on Upbeat today.
A daily music and arts interview programme which ran on RNZ Concert for many years, concluding in 2020.
Monday to Friday, 12pm-3pm
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- Write to PO Box 123, Wellington