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A daily music and arts interview programme which ran on RNZ Concert for many years, concluding in 2020.
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Upbeat concluded in 2020, Interviews, spoken features and podcasts from across RNZ Concert are now available at Concert Talk
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Contemporary Cacophony?
In Wellington on Friday, and on Auckland on Saturday, the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra performed Aotearoa Plus - new music by NZ and overseas composers. Bramwell Tovey was the conductor, and one of… Read more Audio
Music helping to heal body, mind and soul
Art and science are two main elements behind Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre, New Zealand's only centre dedicated to music therapy. Carol White explains how introducing music can be a life changing… Read more Audio
Communicating through dance
Dancing is an art form that can allow someone to express how they truly feel. Either alone, or in the case of documentary How to Dance in Ohio, in a social context. Documentary maker Alexandra Shiva… Read more Audio
Thrilling ending to a romantic evening
Peter Hoar reviews the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra's performance of Gillian Whitehead's the improbable ordered dance, violinist Ning Feng playing Korngold's ultra lush Violin Concerto; and… Read more Audio
Telling the tales of trickery
The story of scam artist Sandy Keith, who killed dozens of people in a ship explosion in 1875, is being told by the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra in Aotearoa Plus tonight. Composer Bramwell Tovey… Read more Audio
Alfredo Jaar
New York based artist and film maker Alfredo Jaar has been given space in the Space to Dream: Recent art from South America exhibition on at The Auckland Gallery. His instillation art draws on wars… Read more Audio
Jennifer Shennan
Jennifer Shennan followed the yellow brick road to the St James Theatre in Wellington last night for the world premier of the Royal New Zealand Ballet's Wizard of Oz. The ballet, about the well known… Read more Audio
Gordon Hunt
British oboist Gordon Hunt Gordon Hunt is a professor at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and Honorary Associate of the Royal Academy of Music. He's in New Zealand to direct the Christchurch… Read more Audio
Ning Feng
Berlin based, Chinese born violinist Ning Feng first experienced New Zealand in 2005 when he won the Michael Hill international violin competition. Now he's back to perform Korngold Violin Concerto… Read more Audio
Gareth Davies
The play Everest Untold, by Gareth Davies, tells the little known story of New Zealand mountaineer George Lowe and British Mount Everest Expedition army Colonel Sir John Hunt; the men who in 1953… Read more Audio
Davinia Caddy
Davinia Caddy from the University of Auckland School of Music looks ahead to next week's concerto competition and graduation gala concert. Three soloists are vying for $15,000 prize money and the… Read more Audio
Fiona Pardington
Photographer Fiona Pardington was named a Knight (Chevalier) in the Order of Arts and Letters by the French Prime Minister on Sunday. The award is for Pardington's research into the collections held… Read more Audio
12pm-1pm Music news, talk features and interviews, new releases etc.
1pm-3pm ‘Onstage’ - highlights from RNZ’s recordings of live music performances
Click here to find out about the music played on Upbeat today.
A daily music and arts interview programme which ran on RNZ Concert for many years, concluding in 2020.
Monday to Friday, 12pm-3pm
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- Write to PO Box 123, Wellington