Niue's premier, Young Vivian, says they've taken a new approach to bilateral relations with New Zealand by focussing on investment rather than aid at the latest talks.
Mr Vivian, who's just held high level discussions in Wellington with the prime minister, Helen Clark, finance minister, Michael Cullen and foreign minister, Phil Goff, says the strategy is to develop industries for Niue.
He says they put proposals on the table for creating a vanilla crop, increasing tourism, telecommunications and the development of a fishing industry.
"The Cook Islands, Samoa, Tonga, ...they are all fishing for export, they have a definite industry, but Niue, we are still doing feasibility studies and research - we requested help that New Zealand could assist us to develop the fishing industry in Niue"
Mr Vivian says it could take tens of millions of dollars for the investments to work.
He says it's likely to take up to three months to negotiate the proposals with New Zealand officials