A spokesman for the Solomon Islands Public Employees Union says it will resume talks today with the Regional Assistance Mission, or RAMSI, which has taken exception to a wage rise granted to public servants by the Government.
Clement Waiwori says the public sector union is prepared to discuss a compromise over the pay increases, which RAMSI says the country cannot afford, and that it threatens the Government's partnership with its aid donors.
Mr Waiwori says RAMSI has recommended changes to the Memorandum of Understanding between the government and unions.
"RAMSI had intervened and want government and the union, to re-look at the issue again and see whether there's going to be no salary increase in 2004. But I think the cabinet decision was very clear. The unions, we are quite prepared to look at the various options government and RAMSI would propose to us."
Mr Waiwori says all union members would need to agree on any changes to the MOU.
He says the union membership is due to meet later this week.