After a week of uncertainty, Niue's former Finance Minister, Toke Talagi, has been returned to the Legislative Assembly after his name was drawn from a hat.
Last week Provisional results indicated Mr Talagi had lost his common roll seat by two votes to Maihetoe Hekau.
However a recount left both candidates tied.
The final result was decided when a senior official at the justice department drew a name from a hat.
Mr Talagi says he is happy with the result and it is too early to say whether his support has been undermined by the manner of his victory.
"I'm pleased for my supporters. Clearly there were things that the electorate were not happy about but it's often very hard to read from the results of this type of election what people were particularly unhappy about. I believe that we have done a great deal, especially with our relations with New Zealand and also our economy here, so it's very difficult to for me to say, at the present moment, the reasons why they didn't vote for me in these elections."