27 Jun 2006

Cracks in the Fiji Labour party

9:18 am on 27 June 2006

Senior members of the Fiji Labour party have confirmed there is a split within their top ranks over key issues including the multi-party government.

The Fiji Times quotes several Labour members, who do not want to be named, as saying that differences have led to a widening rift between party members and their leader, Mahendra Chaudhry.

The newspaper says it has been reliably informed that a paper stating the party's position on key issues as not accepted by Labour members at a management board meeting last Friday.

That was the reason the paper was not discussed at Labour's national council meeting at the weekend.

A senior Labour Party member is quoted as saying that Mr Chaudhry will force an issue on which he thinks he can whip up the emotions of the people.

The MP says Mr Chaudhry has lost the plot and it is time for him to pass the reins on to someone else.

Yesterday Labour's deputy leader, Poseci Bune, revealed that the paper detailing ground rules for the conduct of Labour cabinet ministers was Mr Chaudhry's, "it was not discussed at the meeting and has no official status within the party."