Niue's new minister in charge of the Power Corporation, O'Love Jacobsen, says there needs to be a campaign to educate people on how to conserve electricity.
Mrs Jacobsen says she supports a continuation of the current government subsidy for electricity in the short-term at least.
"I agree in the subsidy but I also agree that it needs to be monitored and worked through as to how we would educate our people to save power where we can and I think there is still many families who leave lights on turn all the lights on."
Mrs Jacobsen says people need to know which appliances use a lot of power and the best ways to cut their power bills.
Niue's Bulk Fuel department has an operating deficit of 600,000 US dollars due to subsidies to the electricity supplier, land clearing contractors and the island's designated airline, Air New Zealand.
Mrs Jacobsen says once people have cut their power bills, the Government may look at reducing the electricity subsidy.