10 Mar 2009

Financial constraints hamper American Samoa hospital

9:51 pm on 10 March 2009

Financial constraints at American Samoa's Hospital, the LBJ, are affecting overseas treatment, some supplies and staffing.

The chairman of the American Samoa Hospital Authority Board says hospital finances are reaching a precarious level and the need for fiscal restraint is more critical than ever.

Moananu Va says the hospital has to make monthly payments to the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services to reimburse 9 million dollars after the LBJ claimed funds for expenses not covered under the funding arrangement.

Our correspondent in Pago Pago, Monica Miller, says people are still being sent overseas for critical treament but it is a question of who pays:

"Families are now having to fork rather than the government subsidising their travel and treatment the families are coming forth and paying ."

Correspondent, Monica Miller

The Board Chairman says the hospital has had to reduce pharmaceuticals supplies, but he says every effort is being made to have medicine that is needed at all times, in reserve.