The American Samoa Government's Budget for the coming year is 466 million US dollars, 39 percent higher than the current year's allocation.
The budget document was received by the Fono today.
Governor Togiola Tulafono says the reason for the increase is a seven percent increase in federal grants and a 90 percent increase in Enterprise Fund activities.
The territory's income includes 68 million US dollars in local revenues, a 23 million dollar grant in aid from the Department of Interior, 106 million in Federal grants, and 259 million in Enterprise fund.
The Governor says the noticeable increase in federal grants and Enterprise funds is because of the infusion of federal Emergency management Agency funds for the replacement or repairs of public facilities damaged by last year's tsunami.
The federal grant amounts do not include the stimulus funds made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
The Governor says the plan is to accelerate the spending of ARRA revenues to stimulate economic activity with the expectation that new jobs will be created to offset fish cannery job losses.