24 Sep 2013

Nauru suicide attempts prompt renewed call for camp closure

3:08 pm on 24 September 2013

Two more asylum seekers are reported to have attempted suicide at Australia's detention centre on Nauru.

The Refugee Action Coalition says an Afghan asylum seeker tried to hang himself on Monday and it condemns the Australian Immigration Minister's announcement that the centre will be expanded and more families sent there.

The coalition's spokesperson Ian Rintoul says there are still only six toilets for over 300 people in the main camp for single men, limited water and the conditions are unfit for anyone, let alone families and children.

A riot involving at least 150 inmates in July resulted in a fire that caused an estimated 55 million US dollars of damage to camp buildings.

Mr Rintoul says tension among the Nauruan community since the fire is spilling over into brutal treatment by the guards, with increasing reports of abuse and beatings.

He says the camp is a hell-hole that should be closed.