The Fiji Trades Union Congress says trade unionists are being targetted for their political involvement, while the Prime Minister and military commander, Frank Bainimarama, is free to do whatever he wants.
The Fiji Broadcasting Corporation reports that the government is looking into the possibility of strengthening certain laws within the Political Parties decree after unionists made public their association with political parties.
Under the decree, public officers, which include trade unionists and military officers, are not allowed to publicly express political views or hold office in a proposed political party.
But the president of the Fiji Trades Union Congress, Daniel Urai, says Frank Bainimarama has not been limited in what he can say or do in politics.
"When will Frank himself step down from his role as Prime Minister? When will he resign to campaign for his political party? And any minister in this government for that matter. Those are the things that we need to look at. What we see now is trade union is being targetted while they are free to do whatever they want to do, while they are being paid by tax-payers funds, and they are public officers in general. So these are things we need to have clarified."
Daniel Urai.
Frank Bainimarama said earlier this year that he will resign as the head of the military in March.