UNICEF is pleading with developing countries to make a greater effort to eliminate preventable child mortality.
Millennium Development Goal No 4 aims to reduce deaths among children under five by two thirds by the end of next year.
The Chief of Health and Nutrition for UNICEF Pacific, Dr Naawa Sipilanyambe, says few countries are on track to meet the goal.
She says they are calling on countries to make a last effort before the MDGs finish in December next year.
"As you know, when you are running a race, you can lag behind or you can run a bit faster, and what we are now advocating is that countries need to run a little bit faster, by making sure that we create the enabling environment, that policies and legislations are passed to improve the health outcomes for children, and most of these cost-effective, high-impact ? are actually put in place."
Chief of Health and Nutrition for UNICEF Pacific, Dr Naawa Sipilanyambe