10 Feb 2015

Sorcery-accused rescued in PNG after torture

3:17 pm on 10 February 2015

Police in Papua New Guinea have saved a woman who had been accused of sorcery.

The say she was tortured and assaulted for three hours.

Josephine Titus, from Enga Province, was rescued on Sunday morning after police and a group of advocates against sorcery related violence intervened.

The Post Courier reports Ms Titus was abducted by youths in the early hours of Sunday morning at the grave of a young teacher who was buried the day before.

In the assault she suffered severe burns and injuries from hot iron rods and bush knives, and is now recovering at the Mt Hagen General Hospital.

Sergeant Susan Mondia, who was at the scene, said the matter was reported to the criminal investigation division.

The advocates against sorcery related violence were trained by the Seeds Theatre Group in partnership with the Catholic Archdiocese of Mt Hagen, with funding support from the Canadian embassy.