One of the representatives on the Specialist Sub-Committee on Regionalism says the issue of West Papua could be on the table when the newly-formed group meets next week.
Photo: RNZ
Lopeti Senituli is one of eight representatives appointed by the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders to look at identifying and assessing regional initiatives for their consideration.
Mr Senituli says there are a couple of pressing issues he expects to be on the table.
"The impact of climate change through the incidents of more violent tropical cyclones. I would assume that that would be a priority issue for the Pacific region. There's the possibility of perhaps the issue of West Papua being also an issue that leaders might consider an important one."
The full line-up on the Specialist Sub-Committee on Regionalism is: Melanesia - Leonard Louma (Papua New Guinea), Micronesia - Gustav Aitaro (Palau), Polynesia - Lopeti Senituli (Tonga), Australia/New Zealand - John Davidson (Australia), Smaller Island States - Teresa Manarangi-Trott (Cook Islands), Civil Society - William Kostka (Federated States of Mironesia), Private Sector - Peter Kiely (NZ), Chair - Dame Meg Taylor (Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat).
Papuan students take part on a rally in Surabaya, East Java province, in December 2013, demanding the freedom of West Papua province. Photo: AFP / JUNI KRISWANTO