CNMI concedes US military can acquire land for training

12:03 pm on 12 June 2015

The Governor of the Northern Marianas says the US military has the power to acquire land in the CNMI for their military activities.

The CNMI is currently reviewing the military's proposal to use Pagan and Tinian for live-fire training exercises.

Eloy Inos says the military can use the option of eminent domain to acquire more land in the Commonwealth.

The training plans have faced stern opposition from community leaders.

Mr Inos says the bottom line is that the US military and federal government have the power and the right to exercise their power.

He says he supports more open discussions regarding the plans to lease land for military activities.

However Mr Inos says he prefers the US military to initiate the talks rather than the CNMI.

The governor says he will meet with the military top brass toward the end of the month.