The Refugee Action Coalition says the forced strip search of an Iranian asylum seeker yesterday morning sparked a tense stand-off between asylum seekers, Wilson's guards and Papua New Guinea police at Australia's detention centre on Manus Island.
A letter written by the asylum seekers to Transfield saying the search was 'disrespectful and insulting'. Photo: SUPPLIED
The RAC reports the early morning raid forced all of the detainees in Delta Compound into one corner of the yard. It says Wilson's guards accompanied by the PNG police began turning over rooms, and throwing personal goods and bedding.
The group's Ian Rintoul says the search went on for five hours, and the asylum seekers were also subjected to personal searches.
Mr Rintoul says when the guards forced a strip search and a demanded that the Iranian asylum seeker submit to a body cavity search, he refused.
He says asylum seekers angered by the guards then moved to surround the man, forcing the guards to back off.
Mr Rinton says the asylum seekers say in a letter to Transfield that the search was 'disrespectful and insulting'.
He says tensions are on the rise again inside the Manus detention centre.