An Information Communications Technology expert says he hopes a new report will trigger greater access and connectivity across the Pacific.
The Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility report highlights the improved access to infrastructure and services across the Pacific and looks at the potential for greater ICT development.
The Facility director, Sanjivi Ransingham, says the report will help Pacific governments and the private sector identify opportunities for investment.
Mr Ransingham says the report illustrated the major changes in the region with under half of Pacific households having access to mobile phones in 2007 to 93 percent in 2014 being an example.
He says the report also included some necessary recommendations.
"Do data collection and monitoring of the sector. Leveraging international connectivity. Fostering relearning and educational content creation. Holding ICT-enabled agricultural services. Stimulating e-Health, health services that can be provided through the internet and then e-Government, boosting tourism and finally and most importantly making ICT access universal."