A former Christmas Island medical worker says a boycott of Australia's immigration detention centres would be the best way to force change.
A new law has come into effect in Australia which could see centre workers jailed if they disclose information about the facilities, which have been criticised for harsh conditions and inadequate care.
A group of professionals who've worked in the centres, including those on Manus Island and Nauru, have signed an open letter against the new law.
The letter's organiser, John-Paul Sanggaran, says a boycott by Australian doctors would shine a light on their country's policies.
"Clearly we are providing sub standard healthcare. We can see the harm that's being done and it's gotten to the point that by continuing to work in these detention centres it's perpetuating the suffering that exists."
Dr Sanggaran says an Australian boycott would not have a negative impact as other nationalities are also working in the camps but he does not hold out much hope for one.