PNG out of money for Volcano relief supplies

3:13 pm on 5 August 2015

Authorities in Papua New Guinea's Madang province say there is no money to purchase relief supplies for the more than 4000 people affected by a volcanic eruption on Manam island.

The Post Courier reports that the provincial disaster and emergency office has revealed about $US72,000 is urgently required for relief supplies.

The paper says those funds would purchase just a month's supply of rice, flour and cooking oil, as well as water containers and tarpaulins for those who have lost their homes.

The Madang director for disaster and emergency, Rudolf Mongalee, says the office has no funds and there's not much he can do.

He says he is yet to receive a response from the Madang administration, the Government and the national disaster and emergency office.

Mr Mongalee says the food relief is needed as it will be some time before the islanders can replant crops, as the soil is currently covered with volcanic ash.

Meanwhile, health officials in the province fear an outbreak of coughing and diarrhoea among the islanders now that all the water sources are contaminated.