The New Zealand government says it has imposed a temporary ban on fresh produce from Fiji because it is not fully confident in Fiji's anti-fruit fly procedures.
New Zealand 's Ministry for Primary Industries says no fruit flies have been detected in Fiji's exports to New Zealand but it says Fiji is not always meeting the minimum time and temperature requirements to ensure that won't happen.
The ministry says the Fiji authorities should only be issuing phytosanitary certificates when the minimum requirements are met and this has not occurred in some cases affecting the ministry's confidence in the procedure.
It has asked the Fijian authorities to report back on what corrective steps are being taken and a New Zealand official is on his way to Fiji to help resolve the issue.
It says fruit flies could have serious consequences for New Zealand's horticultural industry.
Fiji has called New Zealand's suspension of its eggplant, mango, breadfruit and papaya exports unjustified and extreme.
Photo: 123RF