A doctor from Palau says there's a renaissance in nursing training in the Pacific.
A Marshall Islands Red Cross-sponsored life-saving training in Majuro on September 12 involved cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) activities. Photo: SUPPLIED / Hilary Hosia
Dr Greg Dever, who is based in Palau, is visiting the Marshall Islands to establish a nurse training course.
Six public health nurses have graduated from the local college's certificate programme, and seven more are due to graduate soon.
In recent years, there have been no Marshallese studying medicine, however this year there are eight studying in Taiwan, one at the Fiji National University, and eight more scheduled to leave next year for medical studies.
The hospital chief of medical staff, Dr Kennar Briand, has been spearheading a drive to recruit students into the medical profession, to address the current shortage of Marshallese doctors.
Dr Dever is working with the College of the Marshall Islands, Fiji National University and the health ministry to establish the training programme by January next year.