29 Oct 2015

More accountability for high emissions needed - Tuvalu

7:57 am on 29 October 2015
Tuvalu Health Minister Satini Manuella

Tuvalu Health Minister Satini Manuella Photo: RNZI

A Pacific Island health minister says countries who contribute significantly to climate change should be held more directly responsible.

Pacific health ministers yesterday developed an outcome document on climate change implications on the health and wellbeing of women, adolescents and children.

It's designed to support Pacific Island Country's position at key international forums, like the UN conference on climate change in Paris next month.

While the Pacific is feeling the brunt of climate change, it's countries like China and America who produce high levels of CO2 emissions that are the major culprits.

Tuvalu's health minister Satini Manuella says those countries should be held more accountable.

"I'm not really sure on how we make them responsible. If we know as a fact that those are the countries - do we have access so that they can be taken liable, and what they should do."