7 Dec 2015

Fiji Bible studies help break silence over violence

3:56 pm on 7 December 2015

Interactive Bible studies in Fiji are helping to break the silence over gender-based violence.

The House of Sarah, part of the Anglican Diocese of Polynesia, is running workshops looking at how scripture can help end violence against women.

The four workshops are part of this year's '16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence' campaign, run by the UN.

The House of Sarah's Gender Specialist, Tupou Vere says it is the first year they have used bibliodrama, a form of role-play using Bible stories.

"And we've found, ohh, we've found it's been extremely, extremely helpful in discussing violence against women. Because it involves everyone that comes to the bible study, engaging youth, different age-groups, men and women, different ethic groups."

Tupou Vere says the Bible is quite clear that men and women are equal, and violence towards women is not godly behaviour.