Fiji's Employment and Industrial Relations Minister remains optimistic an International Labour Organisation Commission of Inquiry can be avoided despite union dissatsifaction over talks.
This month's ILO mission is being seen as a last effort to avoid an inquiry but last week the government decided to use the Solicitor General as a lead negotiator rather than the minister.
The Fiji Trades Union Congress has said it is unwilling to meet with the Solicitor General as it holds concerns about the appropriateness and legality of the move.
Minister Semi Koroilavesau says the ILO will deal with the situation how they see fit.
"They will examine the difficulties in making a join submission to the ILO. It's a fact-finding mission. Their whole purpose in coming in, is to find the difficulties and try and iron it out."
Minister Semi Koroilavesau, (right), meets ILO Director-General Guy Ryder. Photo: Fiji Government