2 Jul 2016

Election observers travel to Nauru

10:11 am on 2 July 2016

A free, safe and credible election is what the Pacific Islands Forum Electoral Team says they will be looking for when they observe the election in Nauru on July 9.

The team begins arriving in Nauru over the next few days to begin their assessment of the preparations leading up to polling day.

The team is comprised of representatives from three Forum countries and two staff from the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat.

The team included people who have worked with election officials in Palau, Papua New Guinea, Bougainville, Australia and Fiji.

Palau's Elliot Udui.

Palau's Elliot Udui. Photo: facebook

The Forum Electoral Observation Team would be led by Elliot Udui who had been working with the Palau Election Commission since 1994.

The observer mission came in response to an invitation from Nauru's Electoral Commission and the Nauru government.

The team would observe the pre-polling environment, polling, counting, announcement of official results and post-election environment.

The Forum team will be working alongside a three person Commonwealth team that was named this week, led by the former President of Kiribati, Anote Tong.