An animal welfare organisation says a Northern Mariana Congressman's bill to ban shark fin trading in the US is the best way to stop the cruel practice of finning.
The Humane Society is supporting the bill which is sponsored by CNMI Delegate Gregorio Kilili Sablan.
Its Wildlife Manager, Iris Ho, said the Northern Marianas was a conservation leader in the US with its legislation banning the fin trade.
Humane Society Wildlife Manager, Iris Ho. Photo: Humane Society
Ms Ho said finning was abhorrent with sharks tossed overboard and left to die after their fins were cut
"Many sharks will die from blood loss, or eaten by other animals, or suffocation", she said.
"As long as we have the market demand for fins, as long as the fin trade continues then there is always going to be horrible acts of finning."
Ms Ho said the US has the largest market for shark fins outside of Asia which was providing an incentive for finning.