The plight of the refugees and asylum seekers on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea will be back before the PNG Supreme Court on August 22nd.
The court ruled in April that the Manus camp was unlawful.
The Papua New Guinea Supreme Court. Photo: RNZ / Johnny Blades
Last week PNG's Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia called on Australia to reveal its plans for the inmates' resettlement but said the original orders were too vague and the court will sit again to clarify its direction.
Australia has claimed a number of times it has no responsibility for the asylum seekers and refugees.
Lawyer, Ben Lomai, said they want the court to clearly say Australia is responsible.
"That will be the very least that we will be pursuing. At the extreme we will be saying Australia is solely responsible after the 26th of April decision," he said.
"But at the very least their position may be that the Australian and PNG Governments are equally and severally responsible for the welfare, for the management and control of the asylum seekers."