A Vanuatu MP says members of the cabinet are anxious to see the text of the PACER plus agreement that is nearing completion.
Ralph Regenvanu Photo: WikiCommons / Marke Lowen
Trade negotiators met in Christchurch last week to address labour mobility - one of the final rounds of negotiation before the completion later in the year.
However, Vanuatu's Lands Minister, Ralph Regenvanu, said cabinet members have not seen enough of the text and there needs to be better communication to all stakeholders.
"The Pacific islands is made up of more than just governments. It's made up of more than just officials."
"And I think we need to consider the view of a range of organisations including civil society and I also think that in any civil consultation, especially elected officials, are there to represent the views of the people," he said.
The head of the Office of the Chief Trade Adviser, Dr Edwini Kessie, said his office had organised a number of public consultations in Vanuatu.