6 Sep 2016

Vanuatu drivers acquitted over assault of woman

8:18 am on 6 September 2016

A Vanuatu women's rights campaigner says the acquittal of three bus drivers on kidnapping and brutality charges shows there are some very dishonest people in society.

The vans that make up Port Vila's bus service line up along the main street.

The vans that make up Port Vila's bus service line up along the main street. Photo: RNZI / Jamie Tahana

The men had been charged with assaulting Florence Lengkon, who had criticised them on Facebook after they had thrown stones at another bus carrying tourists.

The drivers were competing with the other bus to carry the tourists.

Women Against Crime and Corruption chairperson Jenny Ligo said more than 50 drivers witnessed the incident but no one stepped forward to identify the attackers.

She has challenged the police to re-investigate the attack and called on the Minister of Justice, Ronald Warsal, to revisit the legal system with a view to making changes that guarantee justice and human rights for all.