11 Oct 2016

Vanuatu plans cattle survey

10:54 am on 11 October 2016

A survey into Vanuatu's cattle is to be conducted to confirm numbers and ensure quality.

Vanuatu cattle arriving on Ambrym

Vanuatu cattle arriving on Ambrym Photo: RNZI/Len Garae

Vanuatu's Livestock Department has engaged the Vanuatu Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Pacific Horticultural and Agricultural Market Programme to carry out the survey which is funded by the New Zealand Government.

Senior Livestock Officer Nambo Moses said it is important to complete the survey before European Union development funds following Cyclone Pam become available next year.

Mr Moses said the survey is also important to help maintain the quality of organic beef in the country.

The survey will confirm how many heads of cattle there are at present, in order to plan to reach the Government's target of 500,000 heads of cattle by 2025.

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