27 Feb 2017

Tonga parliament hears no confidence motion

1:58 pm on 27 February 2017

Speeches to a motion of no confidence in Tonga's Prime Minister, 'Akilisi Pohiva, are set to resume in parliament, with the possibility of a vote later today.

Tonga Prime Minister 'Akilisi Pohiva.

Tonga Prime Minister 'Akilisi Pohiva. Photo: RNZ

The opposition, made up mostly of nobles, brought the motion against Mr Pohiva, accusing him of nepotism, straining relations with Indonesia by speaking out for West Papua, not following due process and wasting government funds.

Mr Pohiva dismissed the claims in a written response last week, though this had to be amended after the Speaker deemed it breached the provisions of standing orders of parliament.

It is just the second time the Tonga parliament has considered a motion for a vote of no confidence.

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