Papua New Guinea's local level government elections have been deferred for another year.
The Post Courier reports the Electoral Commissioner Patilias Gamato has used his electoral administrative powers to carry out the move.
The move came following Parliament's decision this week to adjourn early and not make constitutional amendments to the Organic Law to postpone the elections to next year.
PNG Electoral Commissioner, Patilias Gamato. Photo: EMTV
Mr Gamato has now advised Chief Secretary to Government Isaac Lupari, who is also the inter-departmental elections committee chairman, of his decision to defer the elections until July 24, 2018.
Mr Gamato had previously advised the Inter-Government Relations Minister to defer because the amendment to change the Organic Law was still in Parliament and would take two more readings for passage .
But Parliament rose on Tuesday and the legislation was not addressed, leading to the Mr Gamato's measure.