7 Jun 2017

Attempts to raise environmental awareness among Kiribati children

11:22 am on 7 June 2017

The Pacific Community, the SPC, is issuing schools in Kiribati with a booklet to raise children's awareness on environmental conservation and the need to choose sustainable and healthy foods.

The SPC has been working to mark 2017 World Environment Day on the theme of 'strengthening the ties between people and nature'.

The agency hopes the reader, called the Adventures of Vili, will open children's eyes to how they can interact with nature to everyone's benefit and to protect the environment.

The public health nutritionist on Tarawa, Ntaene Tanua, says the book encompasses both nutrition and environment aspects which are well aligned with the revised primary school curriculum.

Children in Kiribati play on a partially submerged coconut trunk.

Children in Kiribati play on a partially submerged coconut trunk. Photo: UNICEF New Zealand