The Fiji government is being urged to explain why a container of medical supplies was left unclaimed for 253 days.
The leader of the Fiji National Federation Party, Biman Prasad. Photo: RNZ / Sally Round
An auditor-general's report from 2016 found that the unclaimed container of medicine sat idle at the Port of Suva before it was finally cleared.
The report also noted that the shipment, for the Fiji Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Services, remained uncleared due to an oversight.
The leader of Fiji's opposition National Federation Party Biman Prasad said the country was suffering from a lack of medical supplies while the container sat at the port.
Dr Prasad said the government must explain why it was allowed to happen and what became of the medical supplies after the container was released.
"This sort of neglect and dereliction of duty by those responsible is not only sad, but it requires immediate action and those who are responsible must be held accountable," said Dr Prasad.