Vanuatu's Special Envoy on Climate Change, MP Jay Ngwele of Ambae, has resigned from the post in protest at what he says is the government politicising his island's volcano disaster.
People being evacuated from Ambae. Photo: Nixon Garae Tambeana
Mr Ngwele said of the $US1.85 million dollars approved by the Council of Ministers to help the Ambae people, about half went on travel costs, accommodation and allowances for politicians, including the prime minister, and government officials to meet with the victims.
Mr. Ngwele also told the Daily Post newspaper that failing to have the three Ambae MPs included in the delegation was both insulting and childish.
But the government spokesman, Hillaire Bule, said the MPs were invited but Mr Ngwele failed to turn up.
Mr Bule said the government would want to know where the Ambae MPs were during the government visits because they should have been with their people.