24 Apr 2018

Manamea Apelu-Schwalger leaves legacy

7:57 am on 24 April 2018

A former Miss Samoa and South Pacific beauty queen who has lost her battle with breast cancer is being remembered for her cancer work.

The work of Manamea Apelu-Schwalger to improve support for cancer patients in Samoa will continue, according to the CEO of Samoa's Cancer Society.

Shelly Burich says their ongoing challenges include poor resources, a lack of treatment options and a lack of support for patients.

But she says Mrs Apelu-Schwalger utilised extensive networks, including the creation of an alumni of beauty queens, to raise cancer awareness.

"She leaves a number of legacy topics but the most important one is her advocacy work and the work she did towards building partnerships with public and private sector in the hope she can do better things for cancer and help other cancer patients here in Samoa."

Shelly Burich says many people will remember her for her spirit and determination to get things done, and love faith and hope were words she truly lived by.

Hundreds of second-hand bras are being distributed to women in the Cook Islands to raise breast cancer awareness.

Second-hand bras being distributed to women in the Cook Islands to raise breast cancer awareness Photo: Cook Islands Breast Cancer Foundation

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