Melanesian Spearhead Group countries are considering deploying police to Papua New Guinea later this year to assist with security for the APEC summit.
Papua New Guinea police. Photo: RNZ / Johnny Blades
The matter's being discussed at a meeting of police ministers and police chiefs from MSG countries which began in PNG's East New Britain province at the weekend.
The group has been asked by PNG for security help when it hosts the APEC leaders summit in November.
The MSG secretariat said the group was looking at mobilising a combined police unit for the summit and related meetings.
Fiji's Police Commissioner Sitiveni Qiliho said earlier this month that Fiji was ready to assist PNG by deploying a platoon.
The MSG includes the PNG, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia's FLNKS Kanaks Movement.
Another item on the agenda for the Kokopo meeting is a briefing on the proposed establishment of a Regional Police Academy for MSG countries.
Among those attending the Kokopo meeting are Fiji's defence Minister Ratu Inoke Kubuabola, and PNG's police Minister Jelta Wong.
Indonesia's national police chief general Tito Karvanian, whose country is an observer in the MSG, has also attended. Indonesia is already providing security assistance for the APEC summit.