PNG local govt elections set for August

5:01 pm on 9 May 2018

The Papua New Guinea government has announced local-level elections will be held in August, casting aside doubts they would be held at all.

PNG voters must dip a finger into indelible ink before voting, an effort to ensure they don't vote twice.

PNG voters must dip a finger into indelible ink before voting, an effort to ensure they don't vote twice. Photo: RNZI/ Johnny Blades

Minister for inter-government relations Kevin Isifu said the government had allocated $US30 million for the elections to be conducted in the more than 6000 wards in 329 local governments around the country.

The National newspaper reported the Autonomous Region of Bougainville was excluded as it had different "organic law".

The Government said it had also allocated $US22 million dollars to be paid to ward councillors in "outstanding salaries".

The elections were originally scheduled for July, but last month electoral commissioner Patilias Gamato doubted whether they would go ahead because of February's massive earthquake, ongoing tribal fighting, the current financial situation and preparations for November's APEC meetings.

But despite the financial challenges facing the country, the government would find the money to fund the elections and settle the councillors' outstanding salaries, Mr Isifu said.