Illegal workers arrested in CNMI

8:20 am on 29 May 2018

Two illegal construction workers in the Northern Marianas were arrested by US Immigration and Customs officers last week in a sign that federal officials are cracking down on such activity in the CNMI.

Saipan in the Northern Marianas.

Saipan in the Northern Marianas. Photo: Supplied

Shubiao Niu and Youcai Li were arrested on Saipan last week as the two were waiting for a ride to their construction site.

The pair were charged with improper entry by alien-misrepresentation and concealment of facts.

Mr Niu and Mr Li admitted they came to the CNMI as tourists.

Mr Niu said he paid a middleman more than $US4,500 to arrange for his travel and stay, while Li said he paid nearly $US9,000 to come to the CNMI.

The crack-down comes as reports of many illegal construction workers are emerging in the CNMI and Saipan in particular.

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