Lawmakers from the Northern Marianas have added their voices to those opposing a United States bill that would ban cockfighting in territories, with one believing it could be a violation of the Covenant which created the US-CNMI relationship.
Photo: By Nhlord - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
The US House voted last week to support of 2018 Farm Bill, which has a provision to ban "animal fighting".
CNMI Delegate Gregorio Kilikili Sablan told the Saipan Tribune the provision would override local laws that legalise and regulate cockfighting.
He said whether cockfighting should continue in the CNMI should remain a matter for local officials to decide.
Earlier Guam's Delegate Madeleine Bordallo said the Congress should not force the ban on the territories.
The Farm Bill provision reportedly did not seek prior comments from citizens of the territories.
CNMI Senator Teresita Santos believes the overriding of local law without first seeking input, might be in violation of the Covenant.
CNMI House Speaker Rafael Demapan says it is "naive and disrespectful" to think of cockfighting in the CNMI as a pastime or sport.
He said cockfighting has been a part of local culture and history for many generations.