Tahiti push for tax relief on investment

12:15 pm on 30 July 2018

The French public accounts minister Gerald Darmanin has agreed with French Polynesian politicians that it still takes too long to approve applications for tax relief for overseas investment.

French Minister of Public Action and Accounts, Gerald Darmanin

French Minister of Public Action and Accounts, Gerald Darmanin Photo: AFP

According to the French Polynesian president Edoouard Fritch, several projects in Tahiti are being held up because the government in Paris takes a long time to vet the applications.

Mr Darmanin, who is visiting French Polynesia, has told local media that there are several steps involved but once back in Paris, he will look into the approval process.

The French Polynesian government, which considers such tax benefits vital to revive the economy, would like the scheme to be extended to the fisheries and the telecommunications sectors.

In the last four years, more than 50 applications have been lodged.